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10 Foods to Keep Good Eyesight

Eye fatigue or pathology, we can help our eyes by eating differently. Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin D… To see more clearly, the content of our plates directly affects the health of our eyes!

What foods to favor to keep our eyes healthier or to have good eyesight by going without glasses for longer. How to avoid aggravating an already started eye aging? Let's go around the question, and for that nothing better than to help ourselves from our diet, what we eat every day can really have a favorable impact on our vision!


1. The blueberry

It's no longer a secret today and everyone knows that during the Second World War, British pilots were ordered to consume blueberry jam to improve their night vision… We also know why this bay is so effective, its flavonoids, and antioxidants, strengthen the blood network of the retina, which helps slow macular degeneration. Also very rich in vitamin C, blueberries also reduce eye strain.


How to consume it to amplify its effects? In order to reinforce the action of the blueberry on the sight, it will be consumed with kiwi (for its contribution in vitamin C), carrots or apricots (for beta-carotaine), or nuts (for vitamin E) .


2. Citrus fruits

We can say thank you to oranges, tangerines and other clementines! Rich in vitamins C, they are powerful antioxidants and reduce the risk of cataracts (a disease that affects around 20% of people over 60). By the way, did you know that the apple has an antioxidant capacity twice superior to the orange? It is also a blessing for the eyesight.


How to consume citrus fruits to amplify their effects?  It is better to consume them fresh, and if you make juices, it is better to consume them immediately after pressure, because vitamin C is extremely sensitive to water, heat, air and light! Also prefer slow extraction for your juices, you will burn less nutrients when pressed. Consume at least one citrus fruit per day.


3. The carrot

In addition to making us beautiful skin, the carrot, rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, it helps to avoid a decrease in visual acuity or the appearance of AMD or cataracts.


How to consume the carrot to amplify its effects?  Several possibilities: In the oven, mashed, gingham, raw, grated or in juice, there is no shortage of means to easily integrate it into a daily diet!


4. Lamb's lettuce

Rich in beta-carotene, antioxidant which protects the eyes, the skin and the organism from cardiovascular diseases, preserving in particular the loss of visual acuity and UV.


How to consume lamb's lettuce to amplify its effects on eyesight?  You can season it with rapeseed or linseed oil and garnish with walnut kernels, it allows you to fill up with fatty acids beneficial to the eye membranes. As a salad, at least once a week.


5. Red wine

The pigments and flavonoids it contains in number improve micro-vascularization, which promotes the transport of nutrients to the retina and thus protects the macula, the area of the retina characterized by a maximum concentration of cones.


How to consume it? In moderation, of course: 1 glass per day.


6. Pulses

Dried beans, lentils, chick pos ... Full of vitamin B and magnesium. and as in addition, they contain iron which carries oxygen, they make it possible to avoid papillary pallor (decrease in visual acuity), headaches or vision disturbances at the end of the day.


In what form should you consume pulses to keep all their nutrients?  Include them in your diet at least 3 times a week.


7. Cod liver

Our grandmothers were right down the line! Cod liver is the richest food in vitamin D, which, in addition to being anti-inflammatory, promotes the essential renewal of cells that form the different layers of the eye. This vitamin acts favorably against the onset of myopia, AMD, age-related macular degeneration.


In what form should cod liver be consumed?  If you don't like cod liver, you can consume cod liver oil in the form of food supplements. Be careful however, this vitamin is not water-soluble and is therefore not eliminated by the urine: its accumulation in the body causes its toxicity. We don't abuse it! Follow the directions on the package or your doctor.



8. Spinach

They contain pigments (including lutein and zeaxanthin) essential for the maintenance of the macula which is located at the center of vision and makes it possible to distinguish details and colors. They are also very rich in antioxidants which protect the eye cells from free radicals.

In what form to consume them?  As a pie, in a salad, or as an accompaniment with a little garlic just returned in a little olive oil, we consume fresh spinach twice a week. You can alternate with other colorful fruits and vegetables with the same properties: broccoli, tomatoes, mangoes or papayas.

9. The egg

Its science that says: eating eggs regularly would help fight AMD, certainly thanks to the antioxidants that egg yolk contains.

In what form to consume the egg?  It's as you like: flat, scrambled, hard, boiled ... The most important thing is to choose organic eggs or eggs from an open-air breeding.


10. Water

To avoid damaging your eyesight and keeping your eyes in good condition, it is essential to fight against dehydration. Some symptoms are clear: when you have red eyes, when they are dry, they bite or you are unable to cry ... But tears are essential to the functioning of the eye: Without them, you can have two tenth of vision less!


In what form? Sparkling or flat, infused or cold, slightly flavored, we drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

 5 tips for having good eyesight for longer

A few more tips to protect our eyesight…

We throw ourselves on the red onions: And it is not only because it is prettier than the yellow, but it contains more quercetin, an antioxidant which is thought to protect the cataract.

You keep your bread under a cloth: Astonishing as a tip? If eating (wholemeal) bread is a good idea to fill up on vitamin B, you have to keep in mind that it is very vulnerable to light… So we protect our bread.

We go green:  To do well, it is best to remember this equation: always fill half of your plate with colorful green vegetables. It is a sure sign that they contain pigments, including lutein and zeaxanthin, essential for the maintenance of the macula.

We do not abuse French fries: For the same reasons, namely the protection of the micro-blood vessels which irrigate the tissues of the eyes, we do not rush on the fries which contain many saturated fatty acids, very bad for these vessels.

We banish white pasta and white bread:  While bread, rice or very refined pasta are poor in nutrients, their full versions allow to fill up with magnesium and especially vitamin B, which ensure the proper functioning of the nerves optical.

We do without the chore of peeling:  We choose fruits and vegetables in the organic department, so as not to have to peel them. Most vitamins are found just under the skin. Shame to deprive yourself right?

Add oil:  But not just any; rapeseed or flax, very rich in omega-3 are highly recommended. Borage oil, too, because it contains gama-linolenic acid, rare and useful in cases of dry eyes. Also very good, evening primrose or blackcurrant seed oils to taste in the vinaigrette.

We watch out for sugar:  Excess fructose is the enemy of the eyes: in the medium term, it promotes the alteration of the small arteries that supply them, this is called retinopathy. To avoid this, we go easy on sweets, honey, and even agave syrup.

3 juices to improve eyesight

Carrot: We extract the carrot juice and drink two glasses a day, at least.

With blueberries: 2 teaspoons of dried berries are boiled in 250 ml of water and left to infuse for half an hour. We drink 3 cups a day.

With blackcurrant: Either we prepare dried blackcurrant herbal teas as with blueberries, or we buy organic syrup.

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